¡Mi Negocio! ¡Mi Futuro! Una Academia para Empresarios Serie Financiera, a 5-week program in Spanish hosted by the Inland Empire Small Business Development Center, teaches the importance of record keeping and the management of finances for your business. Participants will also learn about the different loan options to consider when seeking financing and what lenders are looking for.
The program meets weekly on Wednesdays and begins on Sept. 15 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The first week provides an overview of record keeping and is designed to help participants understand how record keeping can benefit their business.
The Financial Management for a Small Business module in week two provides an overview of business financial management and is designed to help participants understand how financial management can benefit their business. The third week’s Cash Flow Management module encourages participants to focus on cash flow management as an essential competency of business ownership.
Week four’s Small Business Credit Reporting module provides an overview of credit reports and is designed to help participants understand how reporting their credit can benefit their business. The last week focuses on the Loans For Your Business module covering the different financing options available and how to prepare to apply.
Interested persons may register HERE. The program is offered at no cost through the sponsorship of the San Bernardino County Economic Development.