Human Capital
Launching our future workforce into local careers
Our work will improve access to local opportunities for our youth. We’re aligning K16 pathways with local business & industry, incentivizing youth to pursue their future here, and helping them gain valuable experience through internships and work based learning.
Job Fairs for San Bernardino Youth
We host a series of workshops leading up to and to prepare our students for Summer Jobs and the Fall/Winter Seasonal Hiring Term.
Want to Volunteer?Our Commitment
The Human Capital Leadership Council is committed to explore and consider workforce development, recruitment, and retention strategies that promote stronger organizations and community. Specifically, the HCLC will consider solutions for increasing the success of the future workforce in local upwardly mobile careers.
Future Ready Career Pathways
We’re lifting up and building out pathways aligned with careers located in San Bernardino and its surrounding area so our local youth will be ready for jobs of today and have the skills needed for success tomorrow.

Workplace Essential Skills
Ensuring youth master the skills to be upwardly mobile in the workplace including mental wellness and lifelong learning mindset
Learn More about Mental Health First Aid
Post-Secondary Success
Our work together helps the youth of our community to access and succeed in college, university, and technical trade schools that will give them the skills and certifications needed to secure employment and thrive here.

Youth Mentorship
Pairing youth with successful and caring adults in the community to provide extra guidance

Internships& Apprenticeships
Ensuring youth have access to meaningful workplace experiences

Youth Leadership
Preparing and connecting youth to meaningful leadership opportunities within the City

Pictures: Interns with Mayor Helen Tran at Perris Hill Park, Map of San Bernardino and where residents want to see EVs, Keychains made by Curtis Middle School Students, Interns at Orientation at Arrowhead Grove